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旭德衝突礦產採購政策 Subtron Conflict Minerals Policy

衝突礦產金屬:係指來自剛果民主共和國衝突礦區之礦物,類別有鈮鉭鐵礦,錫石,黑鎢礦與黃金等。 這些礦物提煉成金(Au)、鉭(Ta)、鎢(W)、錫(Sn)等,分 別用於電子和其他產品。 所有關鍵供應商皆必須追溯其零件所使用到的金屬來源及冶煉廠。

The term “conflict minerals” is defined as columbite-tantalite, also known as coltan(from which tantalum is derived); cassiterite (tin); gold; wolframite (tungsten);or their derivatives; or any other mineral from the Democratic Republic of the Congoor an adjoining country, which are common mineral used by technological products.

旭德自當善盡企業社會責任、尊重人權,並持續關注衝突礦產議題,致力詳實調 查供應鏈,以確保金(Au)、鉭(Ta)、鎢(W)、錫(Sn)等金屬,並非來自剛果及其 鄰近國家受武裝團體控制之礦區所開採,並透過負責任的採購行為,跟供應商共 同響應。 並期待供應商與旭德合作,促使其供應鏈支持並遵守本政策。 我們宣示 並承諾不接受使用來自衝突礦區的金屬;同時,亦要求旭德的供應商必須遵守衝突礦產採購政策:

Subtron Technology, along with our customers and suppliers, are concerned about the issue of forced labor and other human rights violations occurring in mining operations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Subtron does not buy, sell, or otherwise deal with products, components, or materials that contain conflict minerals, such as gold, tin, tantalum or any other material mined in the DRC. Periodic reviews with our supply chain and our raw material suppliers are conducted to ensure that their metal supplies do not come from conflict regions.


In response to the due diligence of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), suppliers whose products containing cobalt (Co) and mica (Mica) are required as well to ensure responsible sourcing of materials beyond conflict minerals and high risk areas.

2.要求供應商追溯所有產品中所含的金(Au)、鉭(Ta)、鎢(W)、錫(Sn)來源,以確 保這些金屬不是來自於「衝突礦區」。
3.要求供應商完成「供應商承諾書」;與凡供應含關注衝突礦產之物料供應商需完成「RMI_CMRT無衝突礦產報告模板」& 「RMI_EMRT擴充礦產報告模板」。

1.Not using or purchasing materials from DRC conflict-free resources.
2.Proactively review source materials from every product contains Au, Ta, W and Sn, conform source material are not sourced from the DRC or adjoining countries from mines controlled by non-governmental military groups.
3.Provide Acknowledgement Statement, and RMI Conflict Minerals Reporting Template and RMI Extended Minerals Reporting Template if products supplied sourcing the same type of materials of conflict minerals.
4.Deliver the concept and request above to its suppliers.

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